Fear Itself
"Fear Itself" is a 2011 crossover comic book storyline published by Marvel Comics, consisting of a seven-issue, eponymous miniseries written by Matt Fraction and illustrated by Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, and Laura Martin, a prologue book by writer Ed Brubaker and artist Scot Eaton, and numerous tie-in books, including most of the X-Men family of books.The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Fear Itself (comics)
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
Fear, Itself
"Fear, Itself" is the fourth episode of the fourth season of the horror television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer . Written by David Fury and directed by Tucker Gates, the episode originally aired on the The WB Television Network in the United States on October 26, 1999. In this episode Gachnar, a demon with the ability to materialize terror, is accidentally conjured and wreaks havoc on a Halloween party.The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Fear, Itself
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.