Hydrogen is a chemical element with chemical symbol H and atomic number 1. With an atomic weight of, hydrogen is the lightest element and its monatomic form is the most abundant chemical substance, constituting roughly 75% of the Universe's baryonic mass. Non-remnant stars are mainly composed of hydrogen in its plasma state.The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Hydrogen
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
- The lightest chemical element (symbol H) with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.
- Molecular hydrogen (H2), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature.
- An atom of the element.
- A sample of the element.
The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: hydrogen
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.