King of the Hill

King of the Hill is an American adult animated sitcom created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox. It centers on the Hills, a middle-class Methodist family in the fictional small suburban town of Arlen, Texas. It attempts to retain a naturalistic approach, seeking humor in the conventional and mundane aspects of everyday life. Unlike other animated programs, plots were often cumulative, much like a prime-time drama. In addition, the show was known for its dramatic cliffhangers during season finales. This style of storytelling was unusual for an animated program at the time King of the Hill aired.

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king of the hill


  1. A child's game in which one player stands on top of a hill or other location atop an incline, and attempts to repel other players whose goal is to capture his position.
    He twisted his ankle while playing king of the hill and was not allowed to play again.
  2. A person who has achieved a measure of success and is considered to be a leader in his field.
    He was considered a renegade in journalism until he won the Pulitzer Prize, but now he is the king of the hill.

The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: king of the hill
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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