OPS may refer to: Office of Protective Services, Office of Public Safety, a former US government agency to train police forces of US allies, Presidential Communications Operations Office , known as Office of the Press Secretary, Orchestre philharmonique de Strasbourg, Ottawa Police Service, Oulun Palloseura, a Finnish football club, Oceanic Preservation Society, Organización Panamericana de la Salud, . Also known in English as, Pan American Health Organization,, Optical position sensor, an electronic device, Off Premise Station, also known as off-premise extension, a telephone extension located off-site, 2-Nonenal, known as "old person smell", On-base ...The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: OPS
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Ops was an Allied military deception planning department, based in the United Kingdom, during the Second World War. It was set up under Colonel Jervis-Read in April 1943 as a department of COSSAC . That year, Allied high command had decided that the main Allied thrust would be in southern Europe, and Ops was tasked with tying down German forces on the west coast in general, and drawing out the Luftwaffe in particular.The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Ops (B)
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.