Regeneration is a biological ability exhibited by Time Lords, a race of fictional humanoids originating on the planet Gallifrey, in the long running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. This process allows a Time Lord who is old or mortally wounded to undergo a transformation into a new physical form and a somewhat different personality. The process has been used eleven times throughout the history of the franchise as a device for introducing a new actor for the role of its main character, the Doctor. The current Doctor is played by Matt Smith, who followed David Tennant in the role. It has been announced that the regeneration will occur ...The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Regeneration (Doctor Who)
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- rebuilding or restructuring; large scale repair or renewal.
- ''The conversion of so many old industrial buildings into living quarters was a major factor in the regeneration.
- restoration of health or hit points
The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: regeneration
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.