The ROMP or Research OPD Micro Processor was a 10 MHz RISC microprocessor designed by IBM in the early 1980s. It is also known in some circles as 032. "OPD" stands for "Office Products Division", the division of IBM which originated the processor. The ROMP was manufactured on a 2 µm process with 45,000 transistors, saw first in silicon in 1981, and was originally designed to be used in office products. It was intended as a follow-on to a mid-1970s processor called the "OPD Mini Processor", which was used in text editing systems such as the IBM Office System/6. ROMP originally was shipped in the IBM ...

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  1. A period of boisterous play, a frolic.
  2. A bout of playful or boisterous sex.
  3. A girl who indulges in boisterous play; a tomboy.


  1. To play about roughly, energetically or boisterously.
  2. (Often used with down) To press forcefully, to encourage vehemently, to oppress.
  3. To win easily.
  4. To engage in playful or boisterous sex.

The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: romp
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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