Shotgun wedding

A shotgun wedding is a wedding that is arranged to avoid embarrassment due to an unplanned pregnancy, rather than out of the desire of the participants. The phrase is an American colloquialism, though it is also used in other parts of the world, based on a supposed scenario that the father of the pregnant daughter, almost by accepted custom, must resort to using coercion to ensure that the man who impregnated her follows through with the wedding.

The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Shotgun wedding
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

shotgun wedding


  1. A wedding in which the bride is already pregnant.
  2. Any similarly reputedly forced partnership, between people or organizations.

The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: shotgun wedding
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

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