

  1. A stake.
  2. A round of a ladder.
  3. A stave in the side of a wagon.
  4. A large pole by which barges are propelled against the stream; a poy.

Noun (etymology 2)

  1. An armed battle or conflict.
  2. A time of struggle or stress.
  3. Tumult, commotion; confusion.
  4. A blowing or deposit of dust.


  1. Tall; large; stout.
  2. Strong; powerful; hardy; robust; sturdy.
    O stronge lady stoor, what doest thou?--Chaucer.
  3. Bold; audacious.
  4. Rough in manner; stern; austere; ill-tempered.
  5. Rough; hoarse; deep-toned; harsh.
  6. Stiff; inflexible.


  1. Severely; strongly.

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