The series is a franchise of fantasy Japanese role-playing video games published by Namco Bandai Games, and primarily developed by its subsidiary, Namco Tales Studio. First started in 1995 with the development of Tales of Phantasia, the series now spans fourteen games in the main series. Additionally, while primarily role-playing games, the series features an extensive line up of spin-off games that often span other genres, and four stand-alone animated productions based on the video games. While many of the spinoffs contain crossover appearancees of characters within the main series, the main series games are largely unrelated to one another unless denoted with their names.The above text is a snippet from Wikipedia: Tales (series)
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
Noun (etymology 2)
- A person available to fill vacancies in a jury.
- A book or register of people available to fill jury vacancies.
- A writ to summon people to court to fill vacancies in a jury.
The above text is a snippet from Wiktionary: tales
and as such is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.