

  1. A sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch.
    a tweak of the nose.
  2. Trouble; distress; tweag.
  3. A slight adjustment or modification.
    He is running so many tweaks it is hard to remember how it looked originally.
  4. A prostitute.


  1. To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch.
  2. To adjust slightly; to fine-tune.
  3. To twit or tease.
  4. To abuse methamphetamines, especially crystal meth.
  5. To exhibit symptoms of methamphetamine abuse, such as extreme nervousness, compulsiveness, erratic motion, excitability; possibly a blend of twitch and freak.
  6. To exhibit extreme nervousness, evasiveness when confronted by law enforcement or other authority (e.g., customs agents, border patrol, teacher, etc.), mimicking methamphetamine abuse symptoms.

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