Are you familiar with Mechapuzzle? If you’re a fan of meta-crosswords, or “contest crosswords” like the kind you might find at the WSJ or MGWCC, then you might find its analysis useful to help you solve the meta-puzzle. Up until recently, though, it only accepted .puz files, which (1) ewwww and (2) they had to be either solved and saved or unlocked to be useful. This was particularly complicated for the MGWCC, as Matt only offers locked .puz files.
Things are better now! As of the most recent update to Mechapuzzle, you can now import a JPZ or iPuz to be analyzed. Since you can always get the JPZ from MGWCC directly or from Jeff’s crossword scraper for basically all other sources, this will be able to analyze almost every meta-crossword you run into. Give it a try and if you successfully solve a meta using it, let us know!