PUZZLE LINKS: Online Solver
Yet another puzzle type only presentable in PDF or in the variety puzzle solver, and it’s yet another puzzle type invented by the one and only Patrick Berry. How does it work?
Each answer in this puzzle is seven letters long and encircles the correspondingly numbered space, reading either clockwise (+) or counterclockwise (-) as indicated. The starting point of each answer is for you to determine. When the grid is correctly filled in, the letters in the outermost ring (reading clockwise from answer 1) will spell out a quote by Arthur Miller from “The Ride Down Mount Morgan”
Not an easy puzzle type to break into, but once you have a few answers in place you should be able to make some headway. If you prefer to solve on paper, go ahead and click the “print” button in the variety solver as usual.
As per usual, I’ve written some code to help create this puzzle type and I’ve posted it on GitHub. Feel free to check it out if you want to try your hand at making these puzzles.
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