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Bonus Tuesday puzzle for you, and it’s a guest acrostic by Twitch streamer extraordinaire and all-around great guy JibbyMAX! Jibby, what do you have to say?
Hi everyone! I’m very excited to present my second ever acrostic [ed note: check out the first one here!]. I was inspired by some recent events and wanted to have some fun with the issue and keep the conversation going in puzzle form. Many thanks to Alex for giving us the Acrostic Generator, providing encouragement and a test solve on this puzzle, and for graciously hosting it. I hope you all enjoy the solve!
He stole my line, but yes, enjoy the solve!
In rot13 to avoid spoiling: V ynhturq bhg ybhq jura V svtherq bhg gur dhbgr naq vg jnf shaavre guna nal fgnaq hc pbzrql rkprecg hfrq sbe na npebfgvp. Jryy cynlrq!
Thanks for posting; I really enjoyed it!
Funny and sad at the same time! Thanks for solving.